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SEMINAR "Exhibiting Beyond the Physical Space"

A seminar held by Paul Barsch

As the digital appearance or reproduction of a work of art becomes more and more important due to the increasing possibilities of digital dissemination and circulation mechanisms, there is also a shift towards exhibitions that are developed for online reception. The Corona crisis showed however, how limited the common presentation formats of art are despite digitalization. The standardized (and institutionalized) physical art presentation (e.g. White Cube) is not really suitable for the digital realm, and a dry shift from physical to digital often remains lifeless. The curatorial urge should therefore be to continue to investigate the question of how to think and define the showing of art anew in the post-digital age! The seminar develops and explores possibilities, strategies and tendencies of exhibitions and art presentation online and beyond the standardized exhibition space. The participants work together towards an online exhibition project, platform models or (online) solutions that are sustainably functional and useable. The aim is to develop ideas for artistically linking new virtual and physical presentation and production approaches and collaborative working methods. How can we work together while being geographically separated? How can art be presented virtually and beyond the white cube, and how can it endure as art in new found spaces? How do we design art’s digital processing and distribution? How can and must the 'shift' from the physical to the digital and vice versa be artistically (and poetically) thought and designed? It is precisely an artistic and creative form of art presentation, distribution and collaboration that is in demand.

Think of the seminar as online ‘class meetings’ where we will work, explore, discuss and exchange to develop a project. We will host guests during the course of the seminar – Nuno Patrício (artist, curator and founder of, Michele Gabriele & Monia Ben Hamouda (artists, curators and founders of something must break) and David Quiles Guilló thefounder of online biennale – who will speak about their practice and experience with online exhibition projects and are there for Q+As.

Start: Wednesday Nov. 25, 2020, 1pm CET Duration: weekly, every wednesday, 1pm-3pm, Nov ‘20-Feb ‘21 Register untilNov. 18, 2020 >>> Paul Barsch is a visual artist and curator based in Dresden and Cologne who works across media and contexts with culturally charged material and site- and idea-specific concepts. He’s the co-founder of the artistic and curatorial project New Scenario; a dynamic platform for conceptual, post-cube, online exhibitions and has an interest in artistic modes of art presentation and image strategies beyond the white cube. He was one of the Initiators of Pizza Pavilion at Venice Biennale #56 and teaches ‘basics of animation’ at Dresden Art Academy.


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